increasing safety +
improving accountability
for fire departments across the country
all quotes are from actual customers
fully integrated fire service software
An integrated system ensures that your firefighters have everything they
need to be safe and effective. It makes sure the engine is fully stocked and
proper maintenance has been performed. It ensures that each firefighter has
the right equipment for their role and skill, from a specific-colored helmet
to a custom-fit air mask. Effective communication is crucial for first responders. Radio system integration manages ID assignments to prevent
duplication. Inventory applications ensure that essential supplies are available and alert you when it’s time to restock. Inspection templates ensure all
assessments are completed and followed up on. All of these contribute to successful missions, reliable equipment and safer teams.
Each firehouse has a wide range of inventory and asset needs. Beyond firefighting gear like axes, PPE, turnout gear, and radios, firehouses need management supplies like cleaning liquids, mop heads, light bulbs,
and mattresses. Fire engines need to be fully equipped with pumps, hoses,
and tools, while EMS vehicles require stretchers, AEDs, and health monitors, as well as medical supplies and drugs that must be tracked and replaced before expiration. Many items require detailed records of preventive maintenance and
inspection. Imagine easily managing the inspection, request, and distribution processes for all your firehouse needs, tracking costs down to the
firehouse, crew, engine number, and more, supporting responsible usage
and informed future planning.
Electric car fire? Make sure you send the retardant tarp. Extreme cold? Make sure your hydraulic tools will work. Conditions and events require different responses. Knowing which assets and inventory best meet the needs of the mission can be the difference between minutes and hours.
Tired of hearing a someone say they didn’t get a missing item when you know they did? “With proof that I can share— names, signatures, dates—the story ends there and we can all get on with being adults and figuring out what really happened.” Ac- countability tracking reduces loss of equipment and time.
Whether you’re responding to a highway pile-up, hosting the Super Bowl, or sending support after a natural disaster, multi-agency events result in lost equipment and gear. Knowing what items were sent where and when, and which returned items are not yours, helps everything find its way home.
When you issue equipment to a fire company, they don’t care if the serial number matches the record. They just want it to work.
When equipment needs maintenance, technicians are not the best at going back to update records. They just want to make it work.
YOU, on the other need to make sure equipment wasn't switched in a fire or lost and replaced personally. You care about warranty deadlines, expirations, maintenance history, inspection guidelines, replacement parts, whether or not it's grant-funded, and if it needs to be counted in an audit, etc. This is how you make sure it works.
I like that I can create asset IDs that are easy for the end user to identify and communicate quickly and correctly. It’s not a 17-digit line of garbage.
Stay ready for audits year-round with reliable location and quantity records. “We used to spend a ton of time sending field technicians and engineers out to reconcile physical inventory. Mcmtech saves us a ton of employee hours and provides a more accurate inventory count, allowing the state to be more accurate in its fiscal accounting.”
Track grant-funded equipment with ease and demonstrate compliance with just a few clicks. “Grant administration requires accurate inventory management. Grant audits are real. They don't fool around, and they want information. It’s easy to not comply when you’re using a spreadsheet.”
Inspections are critical for keeping teams safe, operations running, budgets intact, and reputations clean. Unlimited, customizable templates make sure all assessments —vehicles, sites, buildings, hoses, weapons, respirators, etc.— are performed efficiently and effectively, saving your team time while storing robust interactive data. Read more at Mcmtech Inspection software is a game-changer for Fire Departments.
Manage and maintain all your BDA and/or DAS projects in one centralized system. Automated communications ensure timely recertifications and efficient coordination between AHJs. Keep your signal enhancement systems compliant, well-documented, and ready to perform. “We’re no longer manually checking spreadsheets to see when an FCC license rebroadcast certificate is about to expire.”
Manage the request and distribution process for equipment, gear, and inventory, through a user-friendly Amazon-like shopping cart that only shows users the items they can request. Track allocation, issuance, and costs down to the firehouse, crew, engine number, and individual to promote responsible usage and plan future resource needs. Learn more about Mcmtech’s Quartermaster software.
While these include our most popular features for fire departments, our building block software structure allows us to add and remove features as needed to customize the perfect solution for you.
Motion360: all-in-one asset, inventory and work order management software that helps track, manage and maintain mission-critical equipment, gear and supplies
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Quartermaster: issues assets and inventory in a single transaction, managing the request and fulfillment process, enforcing the proper chain of command, while capturing a full historic record
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Inspections: ensures that all checks are performed properly while saving your team time and capturing more insight with unlimited customizable inspection templates
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Commshop: our flagship asset, inventory and work order management software, and the only one of its kind that can integrate with radio systems
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